Yreka/Craggy Mountain Good Neighbor Authority Project
SVRCD is partnering with the Klamath National Forest and CalFire to manage Craggy Good Neighbor Authority Project. The project will thin forests on the Klamath National Forest west of Yreka to restore historic forest conditions. This is the first Good Neighbor Authority project in the State of California to commericially harvest timber.
Goals of the Craggy Good Neighbor Authority project include:
- Improve fire resiliency on National Forest System land by reducing fuels and stand density within strategic areas and within the wildland urban interface (WUI).
- Increase defensibility to wildfire to the nearby communities of Yreka and Hawkinsville.
- Improve forest health by reducing stand density to increase stand resistance to insects, disease, and high intensity fires.
- Improve fire resiliency for late-successional habitat and dependent species.
- Utilize timber or other products to provide wood resource to forest product industry

Work began in October 2021 and will continue in the coming years.