Training & Workshops
An important part of increasing prescribed fire capacity is training a local workforce. The Siskiyou PBA provides training opportunities and workshops that are open to the public. The Siskiyou PBA has offered training to 114 individuals. Here are some past trainings we have hosted:
The Siskiyou PBA hosted a fire training with instructors from Ecological Fire Solutions and Torchbearr to teach the National Wildfire Coordinating Group's standardized S-130 and S-190 classes (introductory firefighting courses). The Siskiyou PBA focused the courses on prescribed fire operations. Participants from throughout Siskiyou County attended as well as others from around Northern California.

This training was co-sponsored by the University of California Cooperative Extension through a CAL FIRE Fire Prevention grant focused on capacity building within California PBAs.
The Siskiyou PBA hosted a workshop with the Black Butte Center for Railroad Culture to instruct volunteers on handline construction and put their new skills to work installing handline that was later utilized in a 15-acre prescribed burn in April 2021
The Siskiyou PBA partnered with the Watershed Research and Training Center, Scott Valley Fire Department, and Etna Fire Department to plan and conduct a community-based prescribed fire training workshop in Etna over the weekend of March 6 and 7, 2021. On the first day, the participants were broken into four groups and rotated among different training stations. Two of the stations covered basic firing operations such as setting up and using a drip torch and different burn patterns. The other two stations oriented participants to basic holding operations and to different kinds of fire engines and other water delivery systems. The second day culminated in a mock burn scenario where everyone was assigned a position on the burn, participated in a briefing and carried out part of a burn operation but without live fire on the ground.
The Klamath Prescribed Fire Training Exchange (TREX) builds key capacity to reintroduce fire, bringing people together from a diversity of backgrounds, and bridging jurisdictions to manage fire more effectively. The Siskiyou PBA supports these programs by helping coordinate the programs, participating in burns, and providing training for participants.