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About Us

What is the SVRCD?

The Shasta Valley RCD is a Special District serving central Siskiyou County, California.  Our mission and vision set our goals and objectives focusing our efforts with local direction from our Board of Directors. 


To work with interested landowners on a voluntary basis to enhance the management and sustainable use of natural resources in order to ensure the long-term economic viability of the community.

Vision Statement

We believe that by working together with landowners we can help the people within the District to meet the environmental and economic challenges they face. We strive to bring a shared vision to the table for discussion, action and strive for a common purpose. 

SVRCD boundary lines within Siskiyou County



The Shasta Valley RCD service area includes the Klamath watershed and all its minor tributaries fromthe California State line near Keno to below Happy Camp, the entire portion of the Applegate River in California, the lower end of the Scott River, the entire Shasta watershed, and the Siskiyou County portions of the Sacramento watershed, McCloud watershed and Fall River watershed.


The SVRCD serves the many diverse communities within its district boundaries and strives to collaborate, engage, and include all the people, ecosystems, and communities that make Siskiyou County unique. The rural character and environmental health of the region will be preserved for future generations through effective stewardship and conservation projects. The SVRCD will continue to work at the intersection of science and politics, custom and culture, focusing our efforts on working with private landowners and public land managers helping them to meet the changing demands they face, and assist them in efforts they wish to undertake to enhance the natural environment. In this sometimes difficult arena, we will strive to continue to provide accurate and balanced information and assistance on natural resource-related topics.


People within our communities will be informed about natural resources and external communities will become aware of the need to sustain our rural lifestyle. Youth education and outreach to schools will continue to be a priority for the SVRCD. Youth education projects include outreach to schools from elementary to college-age students and members of local farming, ranching, and other youth organizations. The SVRCD will engage students and young people in the community through hands-on educational activities, and presentations, and by using young volunteers in projects and outreach.

History of the Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District 

 The Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District (SVRCD) was formed in July of 1953 and reached its present boundaries in 1957. Under Division 9 of the California Public Resources Code, Soil Conservation Districts were originally empowered to manage soil and water resources for conservation. However, these powers were expanded in the early 1970s to include “related resources,” including fish and wildlife habitat. California now has 98 Resource Conservation Districts, most of which are funded largely through grants. Although a few SVRCDs throughout the state do receive limited funds through county property taxes, the SVRCD does not receive tax revenues.


Since 1988 the SVRCD has utilized over $29 million in grant funds from a variety of public sources. These funds have been used to develop projects that focus on the improvement of fisheries and water quality in the Shasta River and its tributaries. Responding to the historical agricultural presence in the Shasta Valley, the SVRCD has worked with irrigation districts and agricultural and forest landowners to implement voluntary restoration projects. Agricultural projects range from riparian fencing to upgrading diversions to provide fish passage and water delivery system upgrades that benefit the rancher, and the aquatic ecosystem. Forestry projects expand the work to include uplands, enhancing forest health and resiliency to wildfire by implementing fuel breaks, thinning projects, prescribed fire, meadow restoration, and road improvements with private forest landowners and agency partners including the USDA Forest Service and CALFIRE.