Shasta River Water Transactions Program

Here is a chart showing the results of this cooperative program for 10 years – 6/2018
Thank you to all the ranches and irrigation districts that participate.
2012 : The Shasta Valley RCD with significant assistance from The Nature Conservancy (TNC) are actively working in 2012 to encorporate a new entity to handle water transactions in the Shasta River. The name of the new group will be the Shasta River Water Trust.
The goal of the program is to provide water users in the Shasta River with an incentive-based approach to water exchange that helps relieve landowners from regulatory pressures while fairly compensating them for the water they leave in the river for fish.
If you are interested in working with this new group, contact the project coordiator, Ada Fowler at TNC. Ada can be contacted at
Here is a look at some of the other work that TNC has been doing in the watershed. It is a presentation from 2014 about the 1707 process as applied to the Shasta Big Springs Ranch.
PresentationSWIFT Working Group: A Practitioner’s Guide to Instream Flow Transactions in California – March 2016