Azalea Fuel Break
The intent of this project is to create a fuel break along Interstate 5 on Caltrans land to decrease fire danger to the Dunsmuir and Mount Shasta communities. This will be accomplished by masticating vegetation in the right of way on the east side of I5 between the north Dunsmuir on ramp at Siskiyou Avenue and the off ramp at Highway 89. The finished product will remove all brush and small trees creating an area with low surface fuels, no ladder fuels, and a well-spaced canopy.
The project area covers diverse fuel types- from oak trees and brush to conifers

Pre-treatment photos
The mastication treatment will allow for easier access to powerlines as well allowing more space for the larger trees to grow, free from brush encroachment.

Project implementation started in early June 2022. Masticators made quick work of the brush and small conifers, reducing the danger of roadside wildfire ignitions. Hand crews are currently finishing up work on the steep slopes of the project area.