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Notice of Exemption: Yreka Ridge Fuel Break

Shasta Valley RCD filed a Notice of Exemption for the Yreka Ridge Fuel Break Project. The project will create a 600' wide fuel break approximately 3 miles long on a ridge above the City of Yreka to serve as a control feature for wildfire suppression in the Wildland Urban Interface area around the community. The project will remove brush, small conifers, and juniper on 228 acres on private lands and will connect to the Craggy Good Neighbor Authority managed by CALFIRE and the Shasta Valley RCD, and the Craggy Joint Chiefs Project managed by the Klamath National Forest and the Yreka Office of the Natural Resource Conservation Service. There are approximately 5000 structures that would be protected by the treatment. Vegetation to be removed is mostly decadent brush and dead material, but also includes junipers, hardwoods, and small diameter conifers. The vegetation would be masticated onto the site as soil cover. Sprouting species will be treated with herbicides.  
